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Outward Passengers (leaving Victoria), 1852-1908  Searchable list of passengers travelling on ships leaving Victoria to interstate, UK, NZ and other foreign ports.  VIC Melbourne Australia  
Passenger Lists to Victoria (1852-1923)  Search the Public Record Office of Victoria database of unassisted inward Passenger Lists to Victoria, 1852-1923.  VIC Melbourne Australia  
Unassisted Inward Passenger Lists to Victoria, 1852-1923  Search for names of passengers who boarded ships to Victoria, Australia, from overseas ports between 1852 and 1923. 'Unassisted' passengers' fares were not subsidised by government.  VIC Melbourne Australia  
Victorian Migrant Shipping (1837-1899)  Alphabetical lists of ships for each year, but not linked to passenger lists.  VIC Melbourne Australia  
Western Australia Migrant Shipping (1829-1889)  Alphabetical lists of ships for each year, and passenger/crew lists for each vessel.  WA Perth Australia  
Shipping passenger lists - Aust and NZ  Search passenger lists for migrant ships to Australia and New Zealand ( All Australia, New Zealand  
Lloyd's list, 1741-1826  Search and read e-book versions of Lloyd's List shipping registers from 1741 to 1826 (some years are missing). Can also be downloaded in PDF or text formats.  UK   

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